Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Cut the TV Cord? Three Reasons Why Roku Is the Best Streaming Player Right Now

Cutting the cord. For a number of years people have been discussing whether or not it was possible to cut the cord so to speak from your cable provider to enjoy the best of TV. Well, we can't completely cut the cord but streaming players like the Roku device can make it very, very, easy to access your favorite content via the Internet.
Here are three reasons why the Roku is the best streaming player available today:
1. It's tiny and works effortlessly!
This little jewel of a box, the Roku HD plugs in to your existing Wi-Fi network, links up through HDMI to your HD television and voilĂ , you have access to tons of Internet content. I am reminded of the scene from the recent remake of Dark Shadows. Barnabas Collins, the vampire just released into the 20th Century after being buried for 200 years, has an interesting run in with technology. He sees and hears an actress signing on a popular TV program of the day. He stumbles to the television set, stunned at what he was observing and hearing and asked the question: "What sorcery is this?" That is a question I asked my Roku streaming player many times. How those engineers were able to create a small electronic device that can do so much is beyond me but it works and it is fantastic.
2. Access to tons of content.
Have an Amazon prime account? Then you can access all that content through your Roku. Subscribe to HBO? Then you can link up HBOGO service to your Roku and access not only current episodes of your favorite HBO shows but past seasons as well. I am a latecomer to the series Game of Thrones, but with access to my HBOGO and with my Roku, I was able to watch seasons 1, 2, and 3 in a week in order to get caught up on this very interesting and entertaining HBO program. As an aside, because I've been so caught up in the series I ended up buying the digital book on Amazon's Kindle. Now I can read up on the series before it comes back to HBO in 2014. Isn't it amazing to see all the synergy of the modern media complex made available through the Internet? There was a time when the major companies were quite threatened by digitalization. Now, they have found ways to thrive and profit.
3. Ease of use.
Recently, Roku updated its software, making searching for content streamlined. Whatever content you are interested in, you enter a search for it and Roku examines all its content on all platforms, across all channels and then will call collate that information into a list. It's really that simple. And while not every program is available on the Roku streaming device, more and more content is made available on a monthly basis. And more importantly, you can easily find it and access it thanks to that wonderful and simple little box.

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

How to Lower Blood Sugar Levels? - 3 Choices to Lower Sugar

How to lower blood sugar levels is one repeated question raised by people prone to diabetes type 1 or type 2. The treatment of diabetes by way of lowering blood sugar levels in the circulation system differs with the type of diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes can manage diabetic condition with dietary adjustments and physical exercise. But it requires oral medication for acute condition of diabetes type 2 whereas treating type 1 diabetes necessitates insulin injections in addition to diet control and life style changes to maintain a lower level of sugar intake in the blood stream.
The diet choice, physical exercise, oral drugs, and insulin injections can be working singly or in combination with the other two. How far the choice of treating diabetes helps to lower blood sugar in the blood stream depends on several factors like:
• Diabetic condition
• Type of diabetes
• Diabetic history of the diabetic
• Previous treatment had
Diet and exercise:
Diet and exercise have significant contribution to lower sugar level in a diabetic body. These two are the basic factors a diabetic should have concern over. If the presence of blood sugar in the body through the food intake is discovered at an early stage, diet control and exercise can be considered sufficient for lowering sugar level. Right diet choice and daily exercise routine can be 'just' to the need to maintain lower level of sugar in the body. With diabetic diet and exercise program, the insulin secretion is regulated until the body is not insulin resistant in aggravated condition of sugar levels. Diet and exercise can naturally stimulate the body metabolism and reduce the sugar intake in the body cells. The combination of diet with exercise helps a lot in controlling sugar in obese diabetics.
Medication to lower blood sugar:
If the diet and exercise are not working well, the next concern is the various types of medication that are in vogue. Proper medication with prescription as decided by your doctor helps to stimulate insulin secretion in the pancreas. There is another type of medication to make the body less resistant to insulin. The absorption of glucose is controlled and you are enabled to lower sugar levels as your body needs.

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

How To Make Valentines Day Special For Her

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings that one can have for someone really special and close to heart off course for a person of opposite gender. All around the world whoever have such beautiful feelings in their heart for someone special tries to make that person feel special by doing small, unique things to express his/her pure, deep feelings of love to that person. Small gifts, cards, flowers, and all such small things are some of the most common ways that lovers are using since ages to express their love for their special ones. With some variations people all over the world take help of these small but sweet things to express their love to the special people in their life in a different and unique way. Other then all these small things that can used to express love there is a very special day that have been celebrated every year all over the world as a day of love that is Valentines Day.
All over the world fourteenth of February is celebrated as the Valentines Day which is also known as day of romance and love. Lovers in every part of the world plan some special things to do and gifts for their partners to express their feelings of love for them. If you are also in love with some girl and planning to disclose your love to her or propose her then gift her elegant diamond engagement ring on Valentine's Day. There is no better day then Valentines Day of expressing your feelings to her. Saying all you wanted to say by gifting her diamond ring on Valentines Day going on your knees would defiantly be a best idea. But off course some proper planning is required to make it more special and unique and for that you need to use your creativity to make the day special for your girl and for your own self as well.
Undoubtedly Valentine's Day is all about romance and expressing your love to your partners but some additional efforts of yours can make it very special and memorable so that your girl never forget the way you proposed her. Diamond ring is off course the main element of the Valentines Day's celebration but to make it more special extra little arrangements will spice up the event such as the place. Beautiful and pleasant surrounding off course matters a lot such as reservation in any good restaurant, sea side with some decoration with red heart shaped balloons, flowers, ribbons and some soft lightening. Music can also increase the charm of the Valentines Day's celebration and make it special for your girl and you.
After selecting a place if you get some beautiful flowers for her to present her would also make her feel special. Chocolates or cake can be also be a additional item to raise the charm of the night. Try to think of something more different and unique such as get a nicely decorated buggy or Victoria's to take her to the location you selected to propose her.

Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

An Overview on How to Make a Fuel Conversion Kit

Due to the painful price increase on oil, a lot of drivers are already considering the popular trend in car modification to save the money they spend on unburned gas -- converting cars to run on water.
Converting your car to run on water is an easy task. First you will need a really informative and figurative guide book or instructional video to build your own fuel conversion kit, especially if you are a newbie. However, this does not really demand for expertise; the basic knowledge on electricity and mechanics will already help you through.
Now the next question: how to make a fuel conversion kit? The web is loaded with step-by-step guide books and videos on how to make a fuel conversion kit. But to give you a background, first you will need to buy materials that would cost you only less than $100, or if you are really talented at saving, you might shell out only $50+.
The ordinary tap water is free of charge, you can search the local hardware or your storeroom for some cables, connectors and spare cables; and you can use pure baking soda as catalyst. You will also have to prepare electrolyzer, vaporizer, tubing, and fuel heater.
The fuel conversion kit is interconnected with the car engine, ignition switch and car battery. At least 12 volts is needed to extract the hydrogen and oxygen and mix with the fuel. The result is the cost-effective Brown's gas.
Using Brown's gas accelerates car mileage and therefore lessening your consumption of gas. The HHO gas also cause for cleaner emissions so you don't contaminate the air and improve the engine's performance. if you are worrying about the IRS, your car warranty is safe.
Do you want to convert your car to run on water and make your own conversion kit?
Best Conversion Guides that you can use to convert your car to run on water and HHO reviewed.The guides also show you how to build an water car kit with very little money.

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

The Rise and Fall of the Dollar

You see the US dollar fall you see the CAD dollar rise. You wonder how can I make money with currency? It is simple to get started but it may take a bit more work to become profitable. Many traders lose money. You just have to find the way to become a profitable trader. Every forex trade you make will cost you a couple pips. So that means every bad trade you lose a bit more. One bad trade can wipe out a long track record of small but profitable trades so be careful with your money.
There are some reasons to trade forex. It is a very liquid market. It comes with 24 hour trading. Investors trade very large leverages. A limited amount of currency knowledge is needed, not like the stock market where knowledge on hundreds of companies is needed. The size of the market is huge so it is hard for one to control the market.
Knowledge and education are also a key. To start trading in currency markets it's good to have the correct software. You will need this for correct information of the pricing in the market and to make quick trades. Two softwares are available which are web based or client based. Client based is downloaded and you install on your computer. Security is your major concern with this type of software . Web based is you login in to a web site. This application can be accessed from any computer while client based is installed on your computer only.
Make sure what ever software you get it has real time quotes because the market is ever changing. Trading on the foreign exchange offers amazing opportunities for profit, but it is also can be very risky. Make sure you know what you are getting into before you start trading, You should start out with a paper trading account. That is a account that is loaded with fake money. You will be trading with this account for a while to get used to trading in the forex market. When you are comfortable trading and making profits, that is when you switch to the real money account. Start your forex trading strategies only when you are comfortable in your knowledge and ability.

If Tomorrow Never Comes

You know, now I am thoroughly convinced that God has a sense of humor. As you know, June 17, 1999 was the date of my wreck. I can vividly remember the conversations I had with those girls: 'I Wanna Know' echoing through my mind with Melissa's beautiful voice, Tina's sarcastic sense of humor and me holding her hand to my cheek saying, "Even though you try to piss me off, you still make me smile.", telling her that we were going to the top. One of my most beautiful recollections of those two girls was driving in the car with Melissa as we passed a field of wild sunflowers. "Melissa told me that she liked sunflowers as we passed the field...
This past year was seven years since the wreck, the first time that sunflowers have ever been behind the cross to remember those two girls. It still hurts to have lost Tina and Melissa but as I crossed the road, I realized that Heaven is what you like and so much more. Better days are on their way. You must cross the road to find them They are with God and there were three bushes of sunflowers...what she liked. It makes me happy that they are so happy. "Heaven ain't Hard to Find...all you gotta do is look" So, I picked some for Melissa since she liked them so much. The poetry of my life is so beautiful
If I was to make an overall theme of my life, I would describe it as good. I will never forget those faded pictures ...one of my fondest memories of them is going to a ball game with those two girls, watching the Stars and finding the way with them to understanding; I wish I could express my true feelings to them today. Whenever I think of them, I have a smile on my face. Every time I close my eyes I thank the Lord that I got them...and they got me too
We used to laugh all the time; Tina's last name was Herstein and I used to always call her Her-stine after the Young Frankenstein movie joke. She would always laugh just as you are right now; I loved that. I remember listening to, "Unconditional Love" repetitiously with them. Please notice the presupposition in this. Thank you for the memories. I will never forget the love I had for Melissa; she loved me and I loved her. I remember her singing the song "I Wanna Know" by Joe. The song came on the radio; I had never heard the song before so I turned the station. To this day I hear her voice echoing," No, I like that song." I quickly turn it back to hear her sing the words, "I wish that I could take a journey through your mind; and find emotions that you always try to hide." I hear those words running through my mind all the time and I smile. I wait for that love again. I guess that was the Lord's way of saying, " You had good days before; you are in store for even greater."
I have grown up as a very active member of my church. From teaching the children the Way, to interacting with the youth and giving understanding to the College & Career Class, my limits are God's limits and God has no limits.
I thank God for my Christian Heritage; my great grandfather was a Baptist Minister until the day he died, my grandfather is a Baptist Minister and my family loves and serves the Lord. God is working within me as we speak.
Now to build a house, you must first have a foundation. That foundation is experience, experience from reasoning, logos; that foundation is God. Starting off, I must say God is good...and has no limit. What they have taken away from me, God has given back ten fold.
It has been [insert publishing date of book printing] since the wreck. Since there is no way to know every aspect and to put it into the words of a book of what I went through, I will just say I was in a car wreck. We were just going to see a movie; what it was, I am unsure. It could have been a series of things: Life, the Matrix, Wild, Wild West, who knows. But one thing must be said, I love those girls.
A woman, drunk and who was upset with her boyfriend was driving towards the intersection of Ruth Wall and 114; you know, right beside Grapevine Mills Mall. Tina and Melissa were going to the movies with me and driving in my car after I had a long day life guarding at the YMCA. Two friends of mine were following.
To make a long story short, we came up to the intersection of Ruth Wall and 114. My light turned green so I proceeded forward. It wasn't half way through the intersection, the woman struck the driver's side going 80+MPH and so the story begins.
You know, sometimes life isn't really fair. In reflection of that night, I remember being confused of where my friends were going to go, being too trustworthy of people and thinking she was going to stop. I loved, love and will always love those girls. As I lay in Melissa's lap, thinking this was a dream, I heard screams. "Josh, Josh, Josh!!!", my best friend saw a girl tossed out of the rear windshield brutally breaking her back. I acknowledged him with a gargle; I was still conscious.
He told a mutual friend up at work, "Josh doesn't have any legs; they were torn off in the wreck!" His eyes had seen too much; mortified and astonished, all they could do now is pray.
As you can see, I am fine now; like I said, God has no limit. The two girls driving in my car...they're with Jesus now. I told them one day we were going to the top; they just got there a little quicker. The last time I saw them was in a dream of only mental cognizance, not of physical recollection about three months after the wreck when I was in a coma for three months.
I did not know what happened to me, saw blue stars and two beautiful girls in white robes take me to a dark room. "Everything will be alright", they said. I was confused; 'What will be alright?!?', I asked. All they could do was walk off into the distance with their beautiful blonde and brunette hair. I guess that was God's way of saying, "I am still here even though all this is happening.'
That is odd, Tina and Melissa had blonde and brunette hair. I saw them in a dream within my mind, but they had passed. It is almost as if God is within our minds, a presupposition because He was supposed in minds way before you, an aforethought.
Angels are mentioned throughout the Bible described as being in white robes and it says in John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God..." It is almost as if the Bible is speaking the truth; the Bible is God.
As I look back on the night of June 17th, 1999, I know summer time was their favorite time of year because this was when Melissa went to Galveston or Tina went to her Banquet and I would like to think this was their favorite time because this was the time they spent with me. At every season's changing, the wind reeks of their hair; that is how vivid their memory is. "In the Arms of an Angel" was what was sung at their funeral and as you can see, that is exactly where I stood. The good Lord giveth and the good Lord taketh away; Come quickly Lord Jesus, even so, come quickly.
Now, what I have learned in the past few years is unbelievable. I did not know the extent of my injuries. My pelvis was broken in seven different places. What is the miracle in all of this?!? Number one, I am alive and cognizant enough to use words like 'cognizant' and write a book to share my experience. Number two, I do not have metal plates or anything foreign in my body from my pelvis being broken in seven different places which healed perfectly in only two weeks. Every organ was lacerated in my body except my heart and left lung; God is good.
The human body only holds five units of blood, but it took twenty-seven units to keep me alive that night; by the way did I mention my blood type is Type AB-, the rarest blood type?!? I thank God for each and everyone of you that gave blood the next day so that which I used could be replaced. Not a day passes that your donation is not appreciated. You allowed me to fulfill a purpose and mission
Also, I have learned my two frontal lobes were sheared in my skull. What does sheared mean?!? My two frontal lobes were torn from the rest of my brain and healed itself! No breaks, surgeries or permanent memory loss; God is great!!!
The next couple of years were a blur to me. I spent hundreds of hours in various hospitals, there were thousands of trips to doctors and the hospital bill was well over a million dollars and God took care of that too.
The person I am today is a little wiser, submissive and meek to name a few of my characteristics. I am a living testimony to God's good grace. Throughout this world, I had people praying for me: in New Zealand, Africa, several Southern Pacific Isles and throughout the United States. All those precious prayers were answered; thank you.
Through that experience, God has blessed me in ways you will never be able to imagine. I was offered a job at Bell Helicopter, Textron in Forth Worth, Texas under the Chemical & Analysis Department only two years after my wreck. I was only able to lift 225 lbs. for five repetitions under four sets before my wreck. I am able to bench press well over that amount now and it only took me a year to recover the strength I had before the wreck on a constant basis. I am currently enrolled at Dallas Baptist University, world renowned and a very prestigious school, with a 3.0 GPA from my previous college and it rising with my understanding of God. You tell me God is not there, I will share at least three miracles he has bestowed upon me. As my Pastor says, "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." As you can see, through my cognizance, strength and mobile ness, He has brought me every step of the way.
Now, what I have learned in my life, is that there is genius in simplicity yet it takes simplicity to define genius terms coherently. This is not a new concept; Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Homer and Leibniz say this through either their hypocrisy or understanding. The Bible even says this through its own words. Jesus said, "Suffer the little children and forbid them not unto me; for such is the Kingdom of Heaven ." and "Except you become as one of these, you will not enter in." What Jesus is saying here is 'Blessed are the simple minded.' If we take on faith, such as a child, we will inherit and enter into the Gates of Heaven. See, I just see things simpler now after my wreck than I did in my past. God is the Word and all the Word is telling us to do is live a simpler life. We see it as a question, but a question has two answers: right or wrong. This is our choice. The Bible is the right way; it is telling us how to live a simpler life. True life is lived full of insinuations through our mind, associations through connection, allegories through our perverseness, constancy through the One, an experience to understand, a statement not question, purposeful , has no limitations, an inner mind through understanding, mental not physical, a healing not a scar, a searching for a period but not the end of the paragraph, acknowledgement, a source, a reason, completeness, Divinely Inspired, obedience, good, outside the boundaries of time, reference, decisive not inquisitive, adaptation within the Bible of understanding, examples, parables of experience from education, implications, connection, a beginning but never an end, within our minds, reliant on the Source if lived well, how not why, choice but never a chance and never a wrong decision, understood, in prepositions from the Presupposition, anticipation, reflection, simplicity from One. Do not look at the quantity of words I use to describe life, but the quality of understanding I use throughout this book.
Since we look at the positive aspect of life, we should acknowledge the negative: what not to do in life.
What is missing in every story in the Bible? The main characters knowledge of good which is later realized, understood. We see how they fall with their knowledge of evil or succeed with their knowledge of good. It is our knowledge that is crucial. Knowledge is where God lies and believing in this knowledge is beneficial. The benefit is eternal life.
Wrong, evil, sin just is not living a simpler life. We think this is just going behind God's back, but just as a parent instructs a child, such is the Bible. Life is just a word; what matters is the connection the word implies. We can either take it as a Gift or a Curse. This is the connection and its implications; life is what we make of it. As we live at the current moment, we make it hard on ourselves. We ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but strive towards the bad with hate of different races, sexes, religions when all they seek is understanding, acceptance, etc. Why?!? We may have ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but to know is different than to do. There is no cost to be rewarded; the cost was taken on the cross. There is not a choice, only a commandment, one way to make a decision. This is just a parent instructing a child to live simpler, that is it! Knowledge is a less intimate understanding; strive for understanding.
Also, I have learned there is no need to fight things; what will be, will be. "Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth." I will ask you to keep in mind that inheritance insinuates 'coming'. Sure, you can fight it, but what will it achieve?!? Fighting it in anyway is just showing you do not have faith (God's mercy to allow His sheep to understanding) in God's Plan. The strong will lead this world, but those who turn the other cheek will inherit the world. It is better to inherit because what will last longer, this world or the inheritance?!? We must accept the reception or inheritance because it will be given to us if we follow the words in the Bible, the simpler life of meekness and not stirring up anger, and the reason for prime numbers. The Bible is a prime number. The Greek philosophers who studied these numbers understood the idea of primality and were interested in perfect and amicable numbers.
And finally, do not look at Bible Scriptures as things you have to do, unreasonable laws; look at them as advice from your Creator of how to live a simpler, but fuller life. I mean that is who created life. Why not follow the Inventor's Directions, the Bible. Even the Commandments are just moral law, moral law- the distinction between right and wrong since we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They are commandments because He knows the easy way out. Sure, there are still going to be people that disobey them, but what are they saying, "I do not want to live simpler!" What the Bible is truly saying is if you want to be a Christian or live simpler since that is all Christians truly are, simple livers, you must follow these commandments. Think about this; we messed up in Eden and God loved us so much He gave us His Word, Himself to live simpler lives if John 1:1 is true. God is not going to banish sinners from this earth because He loves us so much and hopes we will make the right choice, the simpler choice to follow Him.
But the one thing you must do in this life is "Ride it till the wheels fall off." Before my wreck, I thought life was a dream; I soon found out it really isn't and it really doesn't hold anything back from you after an incident like mine. But, I learned the understanding in the pages of the Bible make it a simper, easier life if you follow its' words. Fulfill your life to the fullest; do your purpose in life and try to overdo. It has been [ INSERT DATE OF PUBLISHING FROM WRECK DATE] since the wreck. I miss those girls; I will see them one day. For right now they are just two teardrops, faded pictures and a memory and have taught me so much, but the most important of these lessons is, "Heaven ain't Hard to Find, all you got to do is look." within your mind. I cannot wait to see them on the other side because there, they will not be a memory, but a reality
Since we have dissected the fine prophecies and shown through wording that Jesus is the Messiah, we will now look at the prophecies that directly point to no man other than Jesus.

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Car Travel - 7 Secrets to Make Your Trip Fun and Memorable

Car travel can be fun if you plan properly and take care of some basic things.
In this article I am sharing my 7 secrets to help you enjoy your car trip to the fullest...
Secret 1- Get Your Car Ready for the Trip
It does not matter how you are traveling- Alone, with kids, with family, with friends or on a business trip, it is important that your car is ready.
Make sure your car is in good shape.
It is better to get the problems fixed in comfort of a garage rather than waiting for the local mechanic on the highway to finish his lunch so he can fix your car.
I've had a really nasty experience in 1999 while traveling to my home town Khatuali, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh from Delhi on scooter. I had left home reasonably early in the morning to avoid busy traffic and heat (it was summer time) assuming that my scooter was in good shape.
Everything was smooth till I reached Meerut By pass. I stopped there for a while to stretch my muscles and when tried to start the scooter again, it refused.
I had to drag it around a half kilometer to find a mechanic. That nasty thing wasted my 5 hours in scorching heat. It ruined my whole day. I got really frustrated and disappointed; don't let this happen to you
Here are some general things to check.
  • Condition of tires
  • Battery
  • Headlights
  • Coolant
  • Wipers
  • Horn
  • And of course...brakes
Also, do yourself a favor. Get the fuel tank and air pressure in tires in place the night before so you can have a sound sleep and wake up fresh in the morning.
Now, here are some important things to keep in your car before making a move.
  • An extra tire with proper air pressure
  • Tool box and a military knife
  • 1-2 matchboxes
  • A torch with new batteries
  • 1 Toilet soap
  • 1-2 Small towels
  • A small water can (I prefer 5 liters) for general use like washing hands, cleaning your car's wind screen and cooling your car in case it gets overheated.
  • Plenty of drinking water (I remember buying a bottle of packaged mineral water to wash my 6 months old son's potty because we had none left in the car)
Secret 2 - Make Sure You Have Everything You Need Before You Move
It is always a good idea to plan your trip in advance.
Make a list of all the things you require. They will not come to your mind at once. Note them down as and when they come to your mind, on a paper or in your mobile phone. This will help you keep all the things in place and not forget anything.
If the thing you forgot at home is something you can't do without, you'll have to buy it which will put some load on your pocket. (I remember purchasing a milk bottle for our baby because we had forgotten the bottle at home, the bottle we purchased was of inferior quality and we had to throw it away after single use, waste of money)
Also, you can take help from your past trips. Try to recall what all things you had taken on that trip, it surely helps.
Secret 3 - Leave Early but Don't Leave Too Early
I always prefer traveling in morning. Leaving home a little early in the morning is a good option most of the times. It not only helps you avoid city traffic and jams, it reduces your travel time, fuel consumption and stress level too
But here's a catch - Don't leave home too early. Why?
  • If there is some technical problem in the car that you can't handle you might have trouble finding a mechanic
  • If you get lost, you might not find some one to ask for directions
  • If you need something to eat or may be a medicine, you might face a difficult time.
  • You might get stopped by police for checking and that might consume a quite a good amount of time.
Secret 4 - Have Plenty of Food Items
It is very easy to eat anything at home but when you are traveling, it might not be that easy.
To avoid disappointment always have plenty of food items and snacks to satisfy your taste buds.
Here is a general list to get you started (modify it to suit your needs. The list below is something I prefer when traveling by car.
  1. A 2 liter bottle of soft drink
  2. 3-4 packets of plain salted potato chips
  3. 2-3 packets of my favorite biscuits
  4. Some apples, mangoes and grapes or any seasonal fruit
  5. Last but not the least 4-5 paranthas (A kind of Indian bread) with Aam ka achar (Mango pickle) and Aaloo ki subzi (Spicy dish made from potato)
Kids can be fussy about eating, (I also remember being the same way when I was a kid)
If you don't have something which they like to eat, your trip could be a little uncomfortable. Discuss with your kids what they prefer and get ready with all the things in advance
Now, let's talk about the Highway restaurants.
Generally I don't like eating at them.
If you want to eat something at ANY such restaurants, make sure you clearly understand what is you ordering and how much you need to pay for that. (Some of them are notorious for overcharging and misbehaving with customers)
Secret 5 - Keep General and Specific Medicines Handy
Make sure to have general medicines like some anti acid tablets, painkillers (for mild headaches and stomachaches) in your dashboard.
I recommend purchasing medicines a day before from your trusted neighbor hood medical store so you get genuine medicine. Never rely upon roadside medical stores. I am not suggesting that none of them are genuine but you never know.
I have 2 medical stores from where I buy my medicines and I stick to them because I trust both in terms of genuineness of the medicines and cost.
Nothing could be worse than getting stuck in a traffic jam with a severe headache or nausea with no medicine.
It is very important to keep all your medicines in place if you are on some kind of prescription. Not having medicines when you need them could be very uncomfortable.
Secret 6 - Spice Up Your Trip with Music
Traveling can be boring if you have to cover a lot of distance.
Music can make you sing, uplift your mood and thus make your trip a memorable one.
Make sure your music system is working properly and you have lots of songs to enjoy in CDS, pen drives etc (Not to mention the Fm radio stations)
I remember going by bus for my cousin's marriage some couple years ago. The distance was around 130 kilometers. The driver had the music system but no cassettes to play and there used to be no FM Radio stations at that time. It was such a boring trip.
Don't let this happen to you, make sure you have both - music system and the songs.
Secret 7 - Don't Mix Drink and Drive
Safety is always first. You are heading out of town to get some fresh air and not to get into some serious trouble. I want you to reach safe and secure.
NEVER consume any alcoholic beverage before or while driving.
There are some medicines also which can make you feel dizzy. It is better to avoid them.
If that is not possible, let some one else drive.
No compromise on this, It is a question of life and death.
I hope you find these 7 secrets helpful to make your trip a happy and memorable one.
Avdhessh Arya is a Personal Development Coach & Voice Actor based in New Delhi, India.
Learn what true personal development is and how to walk down this mysterious path.

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

How to Choose the Car Rental of Your Choice in Germany?

From a traveler's view, there is very less known about the Germany, but the unexplored country yet to offer a lot in vividness, varied history and exciting landscapes. But contrary to unexplored Germany, the modern one is as same as any of the most advanced country of the world.
In order to get the full view of the country that is filled with very exciting countryside and serene villages a journey to the distant of places is not possible without the help of car rental in Germany and it is very easy task to book a car rental in Germany. But there is very important tip that every German doesn't know English well, so it is advisable that you should book car rental quite earlier before arriving into the Germany.
So it is the best to start planning for car rental in Germany as soon as the idea of traveling Germany comes into your mind or it may possible that you start your journey in a car in which you are hardly comfortable. A well calculated evaluation of the places in between can bring about good comfort during your journey of Germany or can advise you better carry on your journey instead on coaches and trains than rented car in Germany.
The next point of utmost importance, when renting a car in Germany is that if you are not the driver with left hand side steering habit? Or can ask any of friends during tour whether they are comfortable in driving on the right side. Or a driver provided by the renting agency is the best method to sort out your problem.
The other radical but expensive idea is to arrange a driver for the duration of the tour as you expect your tour to be stress free, relaxing and incase. But how you will arrange for a car on rent in Germany, you can select it between the category of compact or subcompact car that you will found quite better than the full size sedan or minivan. An option for an economy car not only save you from going exorbitant but you will be able to save money on mileage too. So you can start for looking for car of your choice from an online website.
If you are in mood to visit along with your family, you can choose from a great numbers like large sedan, SUV or minivan from a travel related website to serve out your purpose whether it is a family trip or business approach. You can start from travel related websites to get the offer of your choice. In case you have planned to visit the city of Atlanta along with your family, you can opt for the choice of vehicle, especially, large sedan, SUV or minivan from a travel related website to go on for your business and approach.

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

How Do I Boost Sales On My Website?

This is not an easy question to answer. If there was a definitive answer every company online would be enjoying excellent sales figures. However, there are some tips and advice we can share which will help you to boost your sales online.
Making sure your products and services are properly promoted is the best way to attract the attention of new customers. This can be done in a variety of ways. However, the best methods involve creating a plan of different actions which all complement each other. This is the essence of SEO and internet marketing. These tactics combine to create a powerful message which reaches the right people and encourages them to buy from your company.
Here is how it works:
SEO is the method of implementing a range of different internet activities which result in increased visibility for your website, and they make your website easier to find online via search engines, articles, and social media. If your customers do not know you are there, or they cannot find you, how can you expect them to buy from you?
Internet marketing is a huge area which includes actions like advertising online, content creation, and a wide variety of campaigns. Marketing is also the driving force behind your website so it should be designed with images and content which succeed at representing your brand in the right way.
Set yourself realistic goals and objective in terms of the level of sales you want to achieve each month and the number of new customers you are trying to attract. This will help you to focus your communications properly so that they are giving you the results you need.
SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
These are the attributes your communications should all have in order to have the maximum impact on your customers and therefore boot your sales.
Increasing sales also requires an in-depth understanding of your customer. Engage in some customer research and identify your audience. This will make it much easier to direct your communications. If you know who your audience is, then you will know what they like, where they are and what they
enjoy. You can then create communications to market your business that will be attractive and interesting to them, and that will be posted the right place.
This may sound quite difficult, but in terms of SEO it can be as simple as choosing the correct keywords that your customers will type into a search engine. Every aspect of SEO and marketing is affected by how well you know and understand your audience.
Increasing sales is all about putting your company right in front of the people who want what you are selling. We know that this is not easy, and it is not something that can be achieved overnight. However, it is possible and achievable by using a range of SEO and marketing tactics to help you.
We always smile when we hear comments like, "I don't need marketing or SEO, but I do need to increase my sales revenue. My company wants to make money not spend it." If you have your own business online, the best way to boost your sales figures is to get out there and show everyone what you have got, and then convince them that they want it. By using clever SEO and internet marketing you will achieve great things and see your sales rise accordingly.

Relationship Marketing: How To Build An Online Business By Addressing People By Name

When you receive an email from someone, you expect them to address you by name either in the subject line or at the beginning of the email message, don't you? You may be surprised to find out that most marketers do not mention your name in either place. Clearly these are not people who wish to be known as relationship marketers. Yet it is a well known fact that using someone's name makes for a better marketing outcome in almost every case. If you want to succeed as an online entrepreneur, use every opportunity to address your prospects and clients by name, and to make them feel as though they are a part of your cherished community.
Autoresponders and broadcast emails are the place to start. Your service provider uses a type of mail merge system that allows you to enter the specific name of the person you are writing to simply by typing the merge code. For example, it may be something like %$firstname$%. I like to do this in the subject line and the salutation, but you also wish to do it at some point within the email message itself. Remember that someone's name is the sweetest sound they will ever hear, so make the most of connecting with them in this way to get your relationship off on the right foot.
Hosting teleseminars is yet another way for you to connect with people on a more personal level. When people call in to my open trainings I always make sure to get their name and the city they are calling from. Then I call them by name as I answer their questions and include them in the conversation. Of course this makes everyone feel special, and that is the intention when you are a relationship marketer.
Meeting people in person at conferences, workshops, and other live events is the final way you can build relationships, and again you'll want to use their name as often as possible. People at these events almost always wear a name badge, so greet them by name whenever you see them. This will also help you to not forget their name, as saying it out loud helps to build a synapse in the brain that allows you to recall information more easily at a later date.
As you can see, there are multiple opportunities for you to connect with your community by addressing people by name and letting them know that you truly care about them and their success.

variation either way

Euchre is a trump based card game thought to be a derivation of the French card game Ecarte, popularized by the early settlers of Pennsylvania. Since then it has spread to country and worldwide popularity, although it is played most frequently in the Midwestern United States. Euchre is played only with cards nine (9) and higher, resulting in a twenty-four (24) card deck. Euchre places two (2) teams of two (2) persons each against each other, each trying to be the first team to ten (10) points. Trump rotates each hand, along with the deal. It is a fast paced, ever changing game that has so many variations that you would be hard pressed to find two Euchre games that play by the same rules.
Some such variations incorporate rules that otherwise might be perceived from an outsider's perspective as outright cheating. This article will discuss a few of these variations to show just how fun a game can be with some creativity and open-mindedness.
Stacking the Deck
In Euchre each hand of five (5) cards is dealt in only two (2) rounds, typically dealing clockwise starting with the player to the left of the dealer and dealing two (2) or three (3) cards to each player in the first round and the remaining three (3) or two (2) cards in the second round. This is different than many games where only one (1) card is dealt at a time. This presents a unique opportunity to "stack the deck" and give you or your partner the best cards in the deck (being Jacks and Aces in Euchre).
Although typically frowned upon, some circles consider it perfectly acceptable to stack the deck as long as certain guidelines are met. One typical example is that as long as you offer a player on the other team the right to cut the deck then stacking is tolerated. This means that after shuffling the cards the dealer must present the shuffled cards to a player on the opposing team, who may then split (or "cut") the deck in two. This is done to prevent stacking the deck.
However, some savvy deck-stackers will anticipate a cut and incorporate that into their shuffling or stacking. Onestrategy to counter this is to cut the deck unusually thick or thin or to simply defer your right to cut the deck (done by simply knocking your hand on top of the shuffled deck).
Stealing the Deal
As with many games, there is a distinct advantage to dealing in Euchre. This is because after the cards are dealt out the dealer will flip over the top card of the remaining undealt cards (there are 24 cards in a euchre deck but only 20 will be dealt to the four players). This card (the "Up Card") is flipped over for determining Trump. If any player wants the suit of the Up Card to be trump, they must tell the dealer to pick the card up. The dealer then will pick up the card and discard the least desirable card in their hand, thus vastly improving their hand for that particular round.
The strong benefit to dealing has led some circles to incorporate "stealing the deal." Stealing the deal can be accomplished in many ways, depending on which rules each circle plays under. Some circles again require you to offer a cut to the other team and then either begin dealing the cards out or deal both rounds and flip up the Up Card. Other variations typically incorporate some of the above factors. This move will benefit the team stealing the deal and punish the other team for not paying adequate attention. Either way it is a fun way to mix things up and reward the sneaky and savvy Euchre players.
Euchre, like many card games, requires each player to follow suit. This means that after the first player to act plays a particular card, each subsequent player must play a card of the same suit as the suit of the card that was led if they hold a card of that suit in their hand. However, there is a strong incentive to not follow that rule if your team stands to lose the round if you follow suit, so many players will instead represent that they do not have a card in that suit and instead use a trump card to win the hand. Whether done intentionally or unintentionally, this is referred to as "reneging" or a "renege."
Generally speaking this is against the rules in Euchre, but as with many situations in life it isn't cheating unless you get caught. Depending on the penalties for reneging, it is worth the risk in many players' eyes. For example, consider the situation where your team stands to lose two (2) points to the other team because you called trump and will not take the necessary three (3) out of five (5) tricks if you follow suit and lose the hand. If the penalty for reneging is only forfeiting the two (2) points for that particular round, it might be good strategy to take the risk and renege (where you will be able to gain the necessary tricks to gain one (1) point).
That covers just a few of the many variations of the card game of Euchre. The countless variations are what make Euchre such an enjoyable game as the rules are constantly changing. Some variations are more wholesome but rules that reward the cunning can be even more fun.
Visit our site to learn more about the exciting, fast paced, ever evolving game of Euchre.

car variation

Slot cars are available in many scales and the appearance of digital slot racing systems over the past five years, it has made selecting a slot car a quite confusing. We hope this guide will answer a few of the questions you may have.
Slot car manufacturers have tried to standardise their cars in the UK and Europe. The most popular scale of cars is 1:32. The following companies produce products in this scale.
Scalextric (UK)
Ninco (Spain)
NSR (Italy)
Slot.it (Italy)
Carrera (Austria)
The manufacturers all offer the market something different from the other, and it is not about just the type of car they make.
Carrera produce cars in a wide range of scales from 1:24 to 1:43. The 1:32 scale ranges are named as 132 Evolution and 132 Digital. Their track is slightly wider than all the others manufactured and it is designed to take vehicles up to 1:24 scale. Carrera slots are great value and well finished with fantastic detail. Carrera digital works on a different operating system compared to Scalextric but it is still possible to convert their vehicles to Scalextric digital. We would advise against converting their F1 vehicles as it needs a high level of modelling skills to complete the conversion. Carrera slots are supplied with a different guide that will allow their products to work on other types of track. To change the guide you only have to pull the existing guide out and push the Scalextric one into the car and the conversion is complete.
NSR cars are the racers choice. They are not cheap but their products are pure thoroughbreds, designed to race in competition and all NSR products are engineered for speed. They do have a limited range of car styles, but each car normally has a variation in motor configurations to choose from. A wide range of spares are also available to allow you to get the very best performance from their range.
Scalextric is the UK brand that everyone is familiar with and have grown up with. All the car companies mentioned above, have cars that will work on Scalextric track and vice versa on Ninco and Carrera track. Scalextric cars come in a few variations. They supply a range of high detailed cars, but these cars are not suitable for use with younger children as they are too fragile. The F1 cars are the most fragile in this range. Their second style of car is their robust range and there are two types of these. They have plain coloured cars that are the cheapest, and then there is normally a more coloured racing livery with more detail. Robust cars do not have lights fitted because of their simplified design. Now digital racing has been around for some time, most of Scalextric cars have DPR chassis to allow the simple fitting of a digital plug. This can be completed in around 60 seconds, you will only need a small philips screw driver to convert them. Overall Scalextric cars offer good value for money and there is a wide range of cars to choose from when you decide which car style you want to race with.
Slot.it provide a similar car to NSR, made for the more serious racers. Their range of cars mainly follow Le Mans cars over the years dating back to the late 1960's. Slot it cars are finished to a higher standard compared to NSR and the price is more affordable for the home racer. Slot.it cars do have a Digital chip that can be used to convert your cars to the Scalextric digital system and this does convince many home users to purchase this make.
Ninco slot cars are made in two scales. They produce their normal scale of 1:32, with three versions of cars in this scale. Ninco 1 is their range of budget cars, lacking in detail and without lights, but is more affordable. The standard range on ninco cars are produced with outstanding attention to detail and finish.
We have covered the most popular brands of slot cars available in the UK. There are many other companies that offer further variations of cars and features. So do not worry about the cars not working on your layout, you can convert them to a digital setup running on your track. Cars can be converted with a soldering iron and a modest level of modelling skills. There are many sources for guidance and advice which can be found on Forums and also from slot car users

unique car

When it comes to finding unique car accessories for girls, a lot depends on what you mean when you say "unique". Unique accessories could be accessories which very few people have, or else they could be accessories which are designed specifically for the female market. After all, there are certain car accessories which no man would ever want.
To a great extent, men and women like the same type of car accessories. It is how those accessories are dressed up that is going to ultimately be the deciding factor. For example, if a guy likes dashboard mats they might opt for ones displaying the name of their favorite football team or baseball team. Women on the other hand would probably want something a little bit more feminine.
Whether you are searching for accessories which offer some degree of practicality, or whether you are searching for stickers or emblems, there is one design in particular which has reigned supreme for a number of years already.
Depending on how good your memory is, you might remember that a certain little kitten was born back in 1974. She never really had a name back then, but by the end of 1975 virtually the entire world had got to know her, and she was subsequently given a name - Hello Kitty.
From dinner plates to handbags to designer clothes, Hello Kitty has been a global sensation, and not only between young girls. Women of all ages have fallen in love with this feminine symbol of cuteness. At first, Hello Kitty was essential designed for the younger generation, but she stole the hearts of most women, regardless of their age.
I have seen brand new "Hello Kitty" cars in dealership showrooms, and the number of Hello Kitty car accessories is mind boggling. Admittedly, most men would never want to be seen in a pink and white Hello Kitty car, but the same cannot be said about women. Hello Kitty is without question, a very cute and adorable symbol of femininity.
It is actually amazing how much difference a little bit of "cuteness" can make. In the past, very few women were even interested in accessories like steering wheel covers. These days, a white leather steering wheel cover with pictures of Hello Kitty is an essential item. And let's not forget the Hello Kitty dashboard mats; Hello Kitty cup holders; Hello Kitty hand brake grip and etc.
In short, if you are in search of unique car accessories for girls, it would take a lot to beat Hello Kitty. That having been said, there is actually one very serious contender, and interestingly enough, it is a boy this time. Even so, most men would not want to dedicate their cars to him, so like Hello Kitty, it's most women who have fallen in love with him. The character I am referring to is Doremon. He might not be very feminine, but he is just as cute and equally as likeable.
Of course, if you are a woman and you want to personalize the car you drive, you certainly don't have to limit your choice to these two characters. There are so many different car accessories to choose from. Some are cute; some are practical, and then you get those which are both cute and practical.